At Urbanbar we only work with partners, both locally and off shore, with proven commitment and certification of ethical sourcing. Our prices are reflective of an ethical means of operation and high quality goods that cannot be compared with products that have been produced without such high accreditation.

Factory base
Our primary off shore supplier (based in Hangzhou China) has been working with our Creative Director for almost 20 years. Not only has the long distance relationship stood the test of time, it has strengthened in loyalty, friendship and performance output year on year. We invest time and money to ensure all our products are produced to high standard with valid compliance certificates.

All other workwear and corporate suppliers that we choose to collaborate with are also fully accredited and offer products of a high standard which compliment the Urbanbar Design range. 

We’re conscious about recycling, giving back to the community with donated samples, or printing logos at cost for charity events. We’d like to support every worthy cause, but unfortunately we can’t and don’t mean to offend when we decline. We aim to reduce land fill as best we can by supplying products that will last.

We ask our customer to "THINK CLIMATE” when laundering and recommend cold wash and NEVER TUMBLE DRY!
Every little bit helps. We sleep well at night knowing we’re doing our best and yet, have steps in place to ensure we will continue to review our operation processes to improve where we can.